Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Adam

Ongoing study, bachelor, diploma and master theses
title type tutor person in charge


Wafer calorimeter development for the Direct Search Exeriment for Light Dark Matter with Superfluid Helium (DELight)
Wagner, F.; Hauswald, L.; Bauer, F.; Kempf, S.
2024, March 4. DPG-Frühjahrstagungen (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 4–May 8, 2024
ELECTRON - Development of High Resolution Metallic Microcalorimeters for a Future Neutrino Mass Experiment
Kovac, N.; Bauer, F.; App, T.; Bornschein, B.; Vincenz, D. de; Glück, F.; Heyns, S.; Kempf, S.; Langer, M.-C.; Müller, M.; Sack, R.; Schlösser, M.; Steidl, M.; Valerius, K.
2024, March 7. DPG Frühjahrstagung: Fachverband Teilchenphysik (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 4–8, 2024
Towards Quantum Sensor Arrays for a Next-Generation Neutrino-Mass Measurement using Tritium
Bauer, F.; Kovac, N.; App, T.; Bornschein, B.; Vincenz, D. de; Glück, F.; Heyns, S.; Müller, M.; Sack, R.; Schlösser, M.; Steidl, M.; Valerius, K.; Kempf, S.
2024, June 20. 31. International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2024), Milan, Italy, June 16–22, 2024
ELECTRON - High-resolution electron spectroscopy of a novel tritium scource using next-generation microcalorimeters
Bauer, F.; Hauswald, L.; Kovac, N.; Langer, M.-C.; Müller, M.; Sack, R.; Bornschein, B.; Steidl, M.; Schlösser, M.; Valerius, K.; Kempf, S.
2024, March 22. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024
ELECTRON - High-resolution electron spectroscopy of a novel tritium scource using next-generation microcalorimeters
Bauer, F.; Glück, F.; Kovac, N.; Langer, M.-C.; Müller, M.; Sack, R.; Bornschein, B.; Steidl, M.; Schlösser, M.; Valerius, K.; Kempf, S.
2023, September 26. 40. Tagung Kryoelektronische Bauelemente (KRYO 2023), Bad Boll, Germany, September 24–26, 2023
Design, fabrication and characterization of magnetic microcalorimeters for radionuclide metrology within the EMPIR project PrimA-LTD
Müller, M.; Bauer, F.; Zühlke, R.-H.; Tran, D. T.; Mocanu, A.; Kempf, S.
2023, March 31. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Fachverband Magnetismus (2023), Dresden, Germany, March 26–31, 2023
Fabrication of Nb/Al-AlO/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions for cryogenic detector readout
Wegner, M.; Bauer, F.; Neidig, M.; Schuster, C.; Enss, C.; Kempf, S.
2023, July 27. 20th International Conference on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD20 2023), Daejeon, South Korea, July 23–28, 2023
Integrated two-stage SQUID-chip with 6 nH input impedance for the AMoRE project
Hengstler, D.; Bauer, F.; Ferring-Siebert, A.; Kahne, N.; Krämer, F.; Mazibrada, D.; Münch, L.; Richter, D.; Stoll, A.; Fleischmann, A.; Kempf, S.; Enss, C.
2023, July 27. 20th International Conference on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD20 2023), Daejeon, South Korea, July 23–28, 2023
ELECTRON – High-resolution electron spectroscopy of a novel tritium source using next-generation microcalorimeters
Bauer, F.; Glück, F.; Kovac, N.; Sack, R.; Steidl, M.; Schlösser, M.; Valerius, K.; Kempf, S.
2023, July 25. 20th International Conference on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD20 2023), Daejeon, South Korea, July 23–28, 2023
Comparison of window-type and cross-type Josephson tunnel junctions
Bauer, F.; Neidig, M.; Enss, C.; Kempf, S.
2023, March 30. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Fachverband Magnetismus (2023), Dresden, Germany, March 26–31, 2023
PhD Theses
Rauscharme Stromsensor-dc-SQUIDs mit Impedanzanpassung für metallische magnetische Kalorimeter. PhD dissertation
Bauer, F.
2022, July 21. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. doi:10.11588/heidok.00032001
Low-noise, impedance matched current-sensing dc-SQUIDs for magnetic microcalorimeter readout
Bauer, F.; Enss, C.; Kempf, S.
2022, September 7. 85. DPG-Tagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2022), Regensburg, Germany, September 4–9, 2022
Fabrication and characterization of cross-type Nb/Al-AlO/Nb Josephson junctions
Bauer, F.; Fischer, L.; Enss, C.; Kempf, S.
2019, April 4. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Fachverband Magnetismus (2019), Regensburg, Germany, March 31–April 5, 2019
Dc-SQUIDs based on cross-type Nb/Al-AlO/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions
Bauer, F.; Enss, C.; Kempf, S.
2019, September 30. Workshop "Kryoelektronische Bauelemente" (KRYO 2019), Königslutter am Elm, Germany, September 29–October 1, 2019
Anodization-free fabrication process for cross-type Nb/Al-AlO/Nb Josephson junctions
Bauer, F.; Enss, C.; Kempf, S.
2019, September 2. 14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2019), Glasgow, United Kingdom, September 1–5, 2019
Reliability of different fabrication processes for window- and cross-type Nb/Al-AlO/Nb Josephson junctions
Bauer, F.; Zimmerer, F.; Ferring, A.; Wegner, M.; Kempf, S.; Enss, C.
2018, March 12. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie gemeinsam mit der EPS (2018), Berlin, Germany, March 11–16, 2018
Next-generation SQUIDs for reading out metallic magnetic calorimeters
Wegner, M.; Krantz, M.; Ahrens, F.; Bauer, F.; Ferring, A.; Fleischmann, A.; Richter, D.; Kempf, S.; Enss, C.
2017, October. Workshop "Kryoelektronische Bauelemente" (KRYO 2017), Bad Aibling, Germany, October 8, 2017
Abgeschlossene Abschlussarbeiten
Titel Typ Betreuung Bearbeitung
Bachelor Thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Bauer

Marie-Christin Langer

Bachelor thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Michalis Ioannou

Bachelor thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Christine Sandrell

Bachelor thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Erik Frey

Bachelor thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Dennis Walter

Bachelor thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Konstantin Georgiev


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Dr. Fabienne Bauer

Alexander Mocanu


Prof. Dr. Kempf

Moritz Krause


Prof. Dr. Kempf

Luis Velez

Master thesis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kempf

Saadia Khurram

Master thesis

Antonia Koseva